The library of ASMET resources is growing

The library of ASMET resources is growing

Training Module / online

The library of ASMET (African Satellite Meteorology Education and Training) resources is growing. The French versions of three ASMET 7 lessons were published early 2015: Prevision du brouillard pour l’aviation: etude de cas du Kenya (Forecasting Fog for Aviation: Kenya Case Study), Orages et activités aéronautiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (Convective Weather and Aviation in West and Central Africa ) and  Détection de la turbulence en air clair: etude de cas de l’Afrique du Sud (Detecting Clear Air Turbulence: South African Case Study).

ASMET 7 aims to improve aviation forecasts in the African airspace, by teaching forecasters to make more accurate forecasts using satellite imagery, numerical weather prediction, and other available data.

The next ASMET 8 project focuses on the various uses of satellite and satellite-derived climatological data for marine forecasting, landslide forecasting, and the monitoring of convective initiation. These modules will be available later this year.

The updated online version of ASMET 1, Basics of Visible and Infrared Remote Sensing, got more than 2,000 hits last year! The first ASMET lesson is now available in Spanish – Fundamentos de teledetección en el visible e infrarrojo. The French version will be available later in 2015. You can read more about this lesson in our first issue.