User preparation for MTG data – EUMETSAT Conference

User preparation for MTG data – EUMETSAT Conference

21 – 25 September 2015, Toulouse

The focus of this years EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference is on advances in nowcasting and short-range numerical weather prediction, plus preparation for new geostationary satellites.

In 2019 the first of the four Meteosat Third Generation Imaging missions (MTG-I1) will be launched. This satellite will carry new imager instrument and, for the first time in Meteosat history, lightning imager.  Two years later two sounding instruments will be launched onboard the Meteosat Third Generation Sounding mission (MTG-S1).

These instruments will provide major opportunities in the use of remote sensing data. Therefore, it is crucial to start planning the introduction of these instruments and data to end users. Simulated and proxy data already exist in scientific circles and these are the data that should  be used in training of the end users.