WEBCAST collection
EUMeTrain organised an event week on convection from 8–12 June . It had eight dedicated sessions. Recent remote sensing developments related to forecasting and/or analysing convective weather situations were presented. Subjects covered:
- The use of lightning data in convective events, by Geoffrey Stano, NASA SPoRT.
- An insight into the upcoming Lightning Imager, by Jochen Grandell, EUMETSAT.
- CRR and RDT products of NWCSAF. Izidor Pelajic gave an evaluation of these products for the Croatian Adriatic coast.
- Adapting NowCasting-SAF products to the COMS satellite, by Eunha Son, KMA .
- The physics of thunderstorms, by Tomas Pucik and Christoph Gatsen.
- Overview on Hydro-SAF products, by Matteo Picchiani, CNMCA
- Cloud physical properties derived from MSG, by Jan Fokke Meirink , KNMI.
- The MPE product, by EUMETSAT
- Demonstration of the NearCast technique, by Ralph Petersen.
- Convection in accentuated terrain, especially the Alps, by Georg Pistotnik and Liliane Hofer, ZAMG.
All presentations were recorded and available on EUMeTrain websites.