31 Oct – 11 Nov / Online; 29 – 30 Nov / Oostende, Belgium
The Expert Exchange workshop will provide information on the products and data formats of the Copernicus Marine Data Stream (CMDS), to enable researcers and others to quickly adopt these data. It will also discuss outreach priorities.
The main focus of the workshop will be on Ocean Colour, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Height, Wind and Waves. Participants will be able to talk to product development experts and provide feedback on the products provided in the data stream.
Main objectives:
- Promote the CMDS, focusing on Ocean Colour, SST and Altimetry Products.
- Encourage experts to use the products from the CMDS.
- Provide first-hand information on the CMDS.
- Identify/discuss potential applications.
- Identify potential users.
- Identify (differing) training needs of the user groups.
- Meet and exchange with other experts in the field to strengthen and widen personal networks.
Costs: No workshop fees. EUMETSAT will pay for accommodation and onsite catering. Limited travel funds are available upon request.
Attendance: By invitation. If you’re interested in attending, please send an email to Copernicus.Training@eumetsat.int.
Deadline for registration: 5 September 2016.