Online, EUMeTrain
Cloud microphysical products are now available on ePort PRO. The products, from the NowCasting SAF and the EUMETSAT ground segment are:
- the cloud effective radius (NWC-SAF and MPEF)
- the cloud ice water path (NWC-SAF)
- the cloud liquid water path (NWC-SAF)
- the cloud optical thickness (NWC-SAF and MPEF)
- the cloud top phase (NWC-SAF and MPEF)
The Optimal Cloud Analysis from EUMETSAT (OCA) and the Cloud MICrophysics product (CMIC) from the NWC-SAF differ in their geographical availability. While the OCA product is available for the full disk, the NWC-SAF CMIC products are calculated for Central Europe only. The EUMETSAT OCA product also contains a cloud top pressure product which is available in ePort PRO.
As for all data in ePort, these new products are available every six hours.
Anyone who is interested in using ePort PRO, send an email to to obtain the username and password.