New Eumetcal Portal launched

New Eumetcal Portal launched


Eumetcal has recently launched the new Eumetcal portal, which we hope will become THE European place-to-go to find answers on your education and training related questions in relation to meteorological matters.

This portal aims to provide a better insight in the availability of material and learning activities within our community. We hope that with the support of the Eumetcal members this portal will grow in time and will result in more collaboration and more E&T opportunities for the members, plus prevent duplication of work.

This Eumetcal portal is more than a catalogue with important links, material and a collection of learning activities. As a representative of a Eumetcal member or partner of our Eumetcal Community, you will be allowed to register to use the portal. Once you log in, you can enrol yourself in courses. In “My Learning Portal’, you can manage your learning activities – those assigned to you, those you have completed, and easily access learning material and certificates awarded to you.

During the summer we have moved all the relevant learning material from the old Moodle system ( to this new Eumetcal portal. The old Moodle system will be soon be made unavailable.

If you have any questions, contact your training manager or us at