Ocean training at EUMETSAT in 2020

Ocean training at EUMETSAT in 2020


It has been a busy year for the EUMETSAT Ocean Training team and rapidly moving (and adapting) to a fully online training environment has had its challenges.

The “Using the Copernicus Marine Data Stream for Ocean Applications” June course, originally planned to be in Tallinn, Estonia, was successfully rearranged and run online. Subsequently, the later course in October was also successfully run online.

These courses were made up of a self-taught phase followed by a week-long virtual classroom phase hosted over Zoom, consisting of interactive tutorials, live demonstrations, group work, and 1:1 meetings. The highlights of the courses were seeing the varied mini projects which participants worked on during the week and what they had achieved.

In July, we collaborated with the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange” (IODE) of the “Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission” (IOC) of UNESCO, the OceanTeacher Global Academy (OTGA) and the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) to run a Train the Trainers course, supporting those involved in teaching marine sciences. This course provided participants with the tools and techniques to incorporate the use of Copernicus marine data from EUMETSAT and CMEMS into their own educational activities. Participants also learned how to use open access resources available through the Copernicus programme, and to develop their own resources.

Alongside these, the ocean training team at EUMETSAT also supported two courses organised by the GMES and Africa consortia, and the EUMETSAT Series of Short Courses, a series of open online courses on data discovery.