EUMETNET Secretariat visit to WMO

EUMETNET Secretariat visit to WMO


The EUMETNET Executive Director, Dr. Klemen Bergant, and the Programmes and Projects Coordinator, Claudia Keller, visited the Headquarters of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva, Switzerland on 25 and 26 November 2024 to talk about ongoing and possible future collaboration between the two organisations. They were joined on the first day by Christophe Jacob, the EUMETRep Programme Manager from the joint WMO, EUMETNET, ECMWF and EUMETSAT EU liaison office based in Brussels.


During this visit, they had the opportunity to meet with the Secretary General of WMO, Prof. Celeste Saulo, and some of her colleagues. Among other things, they discussed EUMETNET’s support to the United Nation’s Early Warnings for All (EW4All) initiative, and possible opportunities to strengthen collaboration in the areas of marine observations, RBON, Regional WIGOS Centres, Artificial Intelligence, and data sharing.


The two very productive days were organised by the WMO’s Office for Europe (RA VI) and its Director Dr. Kornélia Radics. We thank everyone for the inspiring meetings and are looking forward to our continued collaboration.

Job announcement: EUMETNET Administrative Coordinator


EUMETNET is looking for an Administrative Coordinator to join our small, dynamic team.

Further details can be found in the attached vacancy notice.


NB: Only applications from candidates residing in EUMETNET Member countries will be considered. To see the list of our current Members, see here

Clean Air Day – how EUMETNET’s AutoPollen Programme is helping with air quality monitoring


To highlight the contribution of NMHSs to the health sector on the occasion of the Clean Air Day, the WMO Regional Office for Europe has conducted an interview on the EUMETNET AutoPollen Programme.

Read the full interview at to discover how the programme aids in air quality monitoring and management. The interview provides valuable insights into the programme’s role in research and operations.

AutoPollen special issue in Aerobiologia


AutoPollen, a EUMETNET programme dedicated to developing a European network for the real-time detection of pollen and fungal spores, published a special issue in the journal Aerobiologia.

This issue provides a comprehensive overview of the programme’s achievements on topics such as forecast models integrating real-time pollen observations, bioaerosol detection and identification methods, and evaluation and standardization of these methods.

It serves as a valuable resource for experts aiming to establish or enhance automatic aerobiological monitoring networks and highlights the impact of real-time and high temporal resolution data for end-users in a range of sectors from public health, research, to agricultural and more.

Visual: Picture from Regula Gehrig

EUMETNET-led Programme EMADDC wins the EMS Technology Achievement award


The European Meteorological Society has selected the European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Centre (EMADDC) as the recipient of the EMS Technology Achievement Award 2024.

For further information, see the link below:

EMS Technology Achievement Award 2024 for EMADDC : European Meteorological Society (

Cross-Border Convection Forecast (CBCF)


The 7th season of Cross-Border Convection Forecast started successfully on 1 May with the participation of  23 European MET ANSPs and the coordination of EUMETNET

The Cross Border Convective Forecast (CBCF) is a collaborative forecast that provides Network Manager (NM) at EUROCONTROL, and participating ANSPs, with information about convective weather across European Airspace.

NM uses this information to coordinate with impacted Air Traffic Control Centres (ACCs) across Europe and implement mitigation measures to minimise flight delays and improve aircraft safety. Possible measures include calling in stand-by controllers, postponing military exercises or relaxing routing restrictions.

Just in time for this collaborative convection forecast, the weather proved to be interesting, so that the coordination across borders for the sake of a consistent forecast led to a colorful chart. 

BULATSA participation in eGAFOR



EUMETNET is pleased to announce that on 1 May, BULATSA started the operational service provision of eGAFOR for the area of Bulgaria.

With the coordination of EUMETNET, BULATSA has joint as the 8th Aeronautical Meteorology Air Navigation Service Providers (MET ANSPs) participating in the eGAFOR Module alongside ARSO (Slovenia), BHANSA (Bosnia and Herzegovina), CCL (Croatia), HungaroMet (Hungary), ROMATSA (Romania), SHMI (Slovakia), SMATSA (Serbia and Montenegro). The Participants regularly produce a uniform, harmonized, probabilistic, graphical, colour-coded, low-level Forecast (LLF) for VFR Flights up to FL 100, with an assessment of the impact of weather on flight routes.

The main user of the eGAFOR forecast is General Aviation and the forecast is freely available for users via this dedicated webpage: eGAFOR Viewer



Signature of the MoU between EUMETNET & WMO


The WMO SG, Celeste Saulo, and the EUMETNET Executive Director, Klemen Bergant, have signed the MoU between EUMETNET and WMO.

The aim of this MoU is to enhance collaboration in matters of mutual interest, such as meterological observation systems and data infrastructure, weather and climate services, the promotion and implementation of early warning systems, reserach and development, education and training, etc.

WMO activities such as the WMO Information System (WIS), the WMO Integrated Global Observation System (WIGOS) and joint initiatives such as the WMO-IATA Collaborative AMDAR Programme (WICAP), the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) and several others provide a general framework for cooperation.

The signature of this agreement means that the excellent cooperation between WMO and EUMETNET will continue and be enhanced over the next five years.

The NMSs of Lithuania and Romania become full Members of EUMETNET


Two new National Met Services will join EUMETNET as full Members from 1st January 2024. The NMSs of Lithuania and Romania, both Cooperating Members of EUMETNET for several years, officially requested full membership from 1st January. These two new Members will bring the number of full Members of EUMETNET to 33.

The delegation from NMAR (NMS of Romania) was present at the 31st Assembly meeting in Reading and signed the amendment Agreement with the Assembly Chair, Roar Skalin and the Executive Director, Klemen Bergant.

Signature of amended EUMETNET Agreement


The 31 Members of EUMETNET signed the amendment to the EUMETNET Agreement that will come into force on 1st January 2024. EUMETNET, which was previously an economic interest grouping (GIE – Groupement d’Intérêt Economique), will become a general partnership (SNC – Société en Nom Collectif).

The amendment to the Agreement was signed at the Assembly meeting that took place at ECMWF Headquarters in Reading, UK.

This Agreement provides the basis for cooperation between the European NMSs for the next 10 years.

The Chair of the Assembly, Roar Skalin and Klemen Bergant, the Executive Director, sign the Agreement.