4-8 Nov 2019 / Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Offered in cooperation with ESA and CAMS, the 5 day course hosted by the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) brought together 45 participants from Europe and beyond. In the context of workshops, participants tried out CAMS, aerosol and Sentinel-5P data. They also explored the capabilities of Python code in Jupyter notebooks and the BEAT toolbox.
With a strong focus on scientific applications of satellite data, a round of poster sessions allowed participants to showcase their research.
Participants spent two days working on their own projects and attended lectures on air pollution and health, the role of satellites in pollution monitoring, and data quality offered by colleagues from World Meteorological Organization, AC SAF, KNMI, FMI, UBB, Luftblick and BIRA-IASB.
There was also a ‘world-cafe’ (round table discussions with experts) and a WMO facilitated interactive session on negotiation role play on air quality.
More information can be found here.