More than 80 participants at VLab training event in Moscow

More than 80 participants at VLab training event in Moscow

4 to 7 June 2019 / Planeta & Advanced Training Institute, Moscow/Balashiha, Russia

The international seminar ‘Training event on satellite monitoring and nowcasting of high impact weather events for National Hydrometeorological Services of CIS countries’ was held in Moscow in June. This training event is a part of bilateral agreement with EUMETSAT and ROSHYDROMET.

Eighty-four participants from national hydro-meteorological services of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Russia took part.

Thanks to the online phase, participants came to Moscow well prepared. Sessions were held at Planeta headquarters in Moscow and the Advanced Training Institute in Balashiha. The sessions at ATI consisted of hands-on practice on how to find satellite data online, how to interpret RGB imagery, how to work with NWC SAF products, etc. The Russian VLab trainers built three Simulator exercise, so the participants could work on forecasting challenges during high impact weather. Participants also presented their posters on the analysis of adverse and hazardous weather, using satellite data prepared during the remote phase of the seminar — they then voted for the best poster.

Instructors from AEMET, ZAMG/EUMeTrain, the National Environment Agency of Georgia, the University of Wisconsin Madison, and the Russian VLab worked together for many months to plan and deliver the training sessions. Planning for the next event in 2021 will start soon.