23 Nov to 11 Dec 2020 / Online
A joint training initiative aimed at building the capabilities of experts in south-eastern Europe in using satellite products and agrometeorological applications for drought monitoring, was launched on 23 November. More than 30 participants from more than 16 countries are active in this three-week course. Hosted on the WMO Moodle platform, the course is organised in six independent modules.
The six modules are:
- EUMETSAT products and database access. Use of remotely-sensed land products.
- H SAF Rainfall and Soil Moisture. Regional and global products.
- Land SAF products and access.
- JRC MARS European Crop Monitoring and Yield Forecasting System – approaches and tools.
- FAO tools for agricultural drought monitoring (ASIS), climate service for agriculture and the FAO-AquaCrop model.
- Central Eastern Europe. Drought monitoring with Meteo Romania and DMCSEE.
The organisers of the ambitious training initiative include WMO, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and EUMETSAT, with the support of the Romanian National Meteorological Administration (Meteo-Romania) and its evolving Regional Agrometeorological Centre, the Belgian Meteorological Service, the Drought Management Centre for South Eastern Europe (DMCSEE), the Serbian Hydro-Meteorological Institute, and the Technical University of Wien.