11 to 15 September 2017 / Thessaloniki, Greece
For a fifth time, this yearly school was convened by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and attracted participants from the region, in particular the Balkans, Africa and Middle East. The peaceful atmosphere around Nei Epivates was the setting for discussions on thermodynamics, conceptual models, lightning, mesoscale convection, the use and tuning of RGB and hydrology risks – to mention a few highlights of the programme. Nowadays, satellites offer a lot of information, which is converted in warnings and nowcasting insights. Still, the human skills for this task are developing, and open to lively debate.
During the training, Veronika Zwatz-Meise from Vienna offered fresh ideas for the use of conceptual models in the assimilation of satellite imagery. She has been supporting EUMETSAT training for longer than 22 years. Other trainers from Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, plus Eumetsat contributed to the event.
On the social side, a boat trip took to Thessaloniki was organised to enjoy the flavour of the Greek cuisine and hospitality.