The EuMeTrain online ‘Warning Week’ 2017

The EuMeTrain online ‘Warning Week’ 2017

11 – 15 December 2017 / Online training week

EuMeTrain organises an online Event Week twice a year. In December 2017 the event focused on warnings and was called ‘Warning Week‘.

When we talk about weather warnings, forecasters in different countries struggle with the same kind of challenges. In the first part of the event week the presentations addressed warning methods and tools, for example EFI products. The second part covered communication. The target audience was forecasters who issue warnings and staff who develop warning tools and methods.

The aim was to raise the awareness about different warning methods and tools, enabling forecasters to effectively evaluate the suitable method for a specific weather event. The presentations encouraged good conversations about warning methods and provided a good insight for all the attendees how warnings are managed in other countries.

Another aim was to raise the awareness of effective communication, which proved to be an important topic as there are now many different ways to communicate to our customers, such as social media.

The Event Week was held online, using the web conferencing system Webex. Webex enabled the lectures to be interactive and it was an effective way of bringing together people from different countries to discuss an important topic.