Quick Guide on Fire Temperature RGB – preparation for MTG Imager

Quick Guide on Fire Temperature RGB – preparation for MTG Imager


A Quick Guide on Fire Temperature RGB was recently published on the EUMeTrain website.

The Fire Temperature RGB is a candidate to become a standard RGB, to be created using the imager (FCI) on the future Meteosat Third Generation satellites. It uses the 2.25 μm channel, which will be an addition with the FCI instrument. The FCI IR3.8 channel is not new, but has been specifically redesigned to improve fire detection (extended dynamical range and a slight shift). In this Quick Guide, VIIRS images are used as proxy data for the FCI.

This RGB is not only useful for fire detection, but it also provides a qualitative estimation of fire temperature.

During the night, fires are seen against dark backgrounds, while clouds are not seen. During the day, some surface features, water, and ice clouds can be identified.

The new guide contains examples of colour interpretation, guidelines, physical background, benefits and limitations.