Satellite Applications course for French speakers

Satellite Applications course for French speakers

20-24 February 2017 / Niamey, Niger

This was the 14th course in the series on the applications of satellites in the analysis of weather events. This year the focus was on dust and convective phenomena.

The professional team at EAMAC was in charge of delivering some talks and facilitating the work in groups by the participants. They came from 13 countries in western and central Africa.

This classroom course could only be attended after successful completion of a four-week online asynchronous phase, when the basic concepts were revised and exercised.

After the classroom session, some meteorologists attending the training expressed their wish for a longer presentation phase, allowing more time for discussions. They liked the case studies and practical work, but asked for advanced tools to enable them to practise as in a real forecasting environment. EUMETSAT already promotes the use of simulators in response to this type of request.