Simulators in Meteorological Training

Simulators in Meteorological Training

2nd/3rd Quarter 2015 / Nairobi, Kenya

2015 / Exeter, UK

A few years ago EUMETSAT trainers developed a simulator to display weather case studies for Aviation Forecasting. Data appears in ‘accelerated real time’ i.e. five times the normal speed with data being drip-fed to the simulator at the correct ‘simulator time’. Timed tasks focus on possible hazardous weather conditions. Several simulators are now used in the classroom phases of the ESAC courses in Nairobi and Oman. These simulations are generally well received, as participants feel it is like a real work environment. The rapidly ticking clock imposes a realistic time pressure element. Running faster than normal time allows for many hours of weather data to be experienced in a two hour session.

In February 2014 a ‘Why you want to/how to build a simulator’ course was held in Langen, chiefly for European participants. As a result a number of simulators have been developed and used in training across Europe.

Plans are progressing to deliver a similar course in Nairobi for African trainers later this year. Discussions are taking place with the UK’s Met Office College about a course for European trainers in Exeter.

Existing simulations can be seen here If you’re interested in attending a simulator course email