Training Support Officers (TSO) Team Meeting VII

Training Support Officers (TSO) Team Meeting VII

4 and 5 April 2019 / WMO, Geneva

In April, the Training Support Officers from WMO-ETR, WMO-VLab, EUMETSAT, EUMeTrain, Eumetcal, the Met Office, Météo-France, DWD, RSHU and CIMH met for the TSO Team Meeting VII at the WMO headquarters in Geneva.

The meeting, which is an annual event, provides an invaluable opportunity to learn by exchanging experiences and challenges from our working practices. This year, we heard about Eumetcal’s new learning management platform, and their plans to support the European training community.

There was interesting update on the WMO Global Campus Library and the Learning Events Calendar, which gave us food for thought on how we can contribute.

The Met Office and Météo-France colleagues shared their creative ideas on the use of video for supporting demonstrations and illustrating examples of expert use – practical examples of bringing together learning theory with exciting technologies. There were also many discussions in which we brainstormed how we can better support the training community.

Thanks to the great sessions and a warm welcome from the ETR team at WMO everyone left with a bag full of new ideas and a renewed sense of belonging.