3 March/Mars to 10 June/Juin / Online
This year, the WMO Education and Training Office, in collaboration with ENM-Météo-France, will be offering the Online Course for Trainers for Francophone trainers, training managers, and part-time trainers. This course will be offered completely in French, and francophone participants from all WMO regions are being invited to attend.
Are you interested in sharpening your training skills? Meeting other trainers to learn how they conduct their work? Engaging in discussions, debates, and other exercises to deepen your understanding and expand your ideas about training processes?
The online course will allow participants to develop their skills in each of the WMO Competencies for Education and Training Providers. It will be offered as a nine-week course, in three modules with two two-week breaks (a total of 13 weeks), beginning in early March with pre-course activities.
The goal of this online course, in particular, is to help trainers at all levels of responsibility to increase their knowledge and skills in planning, developing, delivering, assessing, and evaluating training.
Participant nomination forms will be made available in January 2018, and completed forms need to be received by the WMO Secretariat in February 2018. All Francophone RA-VI members are encouraged to participate.