27 August – 7 September 2018 / Cartagena, Colombia
This year is the 15th anniversary of the successful course on meteorological applications of satellites on tropical latitudes, held in Cartagena, Colombia. In those 15 years more than 300 meteorologists in Central and South America have been instructed on the use of imagery from space. The scheme switches the focus between mid-latitude meteorology and tropical meteorology. The focus this year will be on GOES new generation, with GOES-16 already operational and GOES-S in the commissioning phase. The main problem for most countries in RA III and IV will be the data reception, either through GEONETCast-Americas or through GRB dissemination, the continuation of GVAR stations.
AEMET in Spain leads the course and sends instructors who focus on nowcasting, environmental applications, maritime and atmospheric dynamics.
AECID, the Spanish agency for development, provides accommodation and catering, plus excellent training venues for the course.
The participants in this course are appointed by their WMO PRs.
(Image by Pedro Szekely on Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).